Tic Tac house gets its name from the initial idea of house distribution, which was intended to create a space without corridors, the rooms distributed from a central core that communicates with the other floors of the house.
A basement that is used for connection to public and private zone is therefore generated. This plant is buried because the square meters below ground do not count in the final calculation. Thus providing some additional project areas.
The house consists on a basement, where the gym is located, the offices. On the ground floor we can find the private area of the house and three bedrooms are arranged and the associated bathrooms.
Finally on the first floors public area of ​​the house where the kitchen and the dining / living room.
The livingroom module, being higher, creates shadows in the other rooms, providing greater energy control, besides allowing view of the sea throughout the house.

Site Plan

North-South Section
Ground Floor
Fist Floor

For the model we have done several changes since the first concept, Patio House, developing the shape of the house till the final shape that produces better results in term of Energy efficency.
We have to change the volume shape, removing one of the sides to decrease the surface of facade facing south-west orientation; reducing significally the amount of glazing.
With the cantilever the project improve the coling demand in summer but allow the sunlight in winter; so in that way decreases the most electricity cost.
On the other hand, the last part of the panel is observed the different calculations of the final model. In the house enrgética certification is obtained a letter A.

Tic Tac house gets its name from the initial idea of house distribution, which was intended to create a space without corridors, the rooms distributed from a central core that communicates with the other floors of the house.
A basement that is used for connection to public and private zone is therefore generated. This plant is buried because the square meters below ground do not count in the final calculation. Thus providing some additional project areas.
The house consists on a basement, where the gym is located, the offices. On the ground floor we can find the private area of the house and three bedrooms are arranged and the associated bathrooms.
Finally on the first floors public area of ​​the house where the kitchen and the dining / living room.
The livingroom module, being higher, creates shadows in the other rooms, providing greater energy control, besides allowing view of the sea throughout the house.

Site Plan

North-South Section
Ground Floor
Fist Floor

For the model we have done several changes since the first concept, Patio House, developing the shape of the house till the final shape that produces better results in term of Energy efficency.
We have to change the volume shape, removing one of the sides to decrease the surface of facade facing south-west orientation; reducing significally the amount of glazing.
With the cantilever the project improve the coling demand in summer but allow the sunlight in winter; so in that way decreases the most electricity cost.
On the other hand, the last part of the panel is observed the different calculations of the final model. In the house enrgética certification is obtained a letter A.


tic tac house
vivienda sostenible de consumo zero
Vivienda unifamiliar situada en Campoamor, Alicante. Esta vivienda de 220m2 esta pensada para aprovechar al máximo las ventajas de iluminación y ventilación natural. Además, todos los volúmenes poseen un cuidadoso estudio de sombras proyectadas tanto en invierno como verano con el fin de ayudar a la calefacción y refrigeración de la vivienda.
ubicación: Campoamor, Alicante ES
fecha de proyecto: Julio 2015
fecha de finalización: Julio 2015
estado: concurso
cliente: Fundación Marjal
categoría: Nueva Planta